Koma E-Learning | Komalingua - Servicios Lingüísticos

Koma E-Learning

Online courses with Koma Quality.

Courses created and designed by Koma’s team of professionals and tailored to the needs and objectives of each user. Training in all language skills: writing, reading, speaking and listening.

Log in to Koma E-Learning


  • 24 hours a day
  • 365 days a year
  • Unlimited access
  • Anywhere in the world


  • Time tracking
  • Connections
  • Notes
  • Progress
  • Speech recognition
  • Speaking assessment

Blended Learning

  • You can combine:

    Online training


    Video conferencing


    Social learning

158 Euros per month for 12 months:

  • Dexway 100-Hour E-Learning Method
  • Tutoring
  • 4 individual 45-minute long lessons via video conference
  • Enrolment 
  • Placement test 


  • Downloadable APP for IOS and Android
  • *Interactive Resources


Compatible with different subsidised training systems:

  • Fundae
  • Hobetuz

Interactive Resources





Vocabulary: +10,000 Words / phrases

Test to consolidate objectives


Grammar lessons

Video subtitling

Videos of everyday situations

Pronunciation assessment by colours

Writing and pronunciation laboratories


ISO 9001
Oxford Test of English
Telc Language Tests

Any ideas? Shall we work together?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a project or an idea that you’d like to launch. We would be more than happy to work with you.



+34 902 540 084

Información general: info@komalingua.com
Información de traducciones o intérpretes: traduccion@komaberribat.com

Koma Vitoria
Koma Vitoria-Gasteiz +34 945 17 00 57
Sierra de Andía, 2 Ofic. 26D
01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Araba)
Koma Vitoria Landaberde
Koma Vitoria-Gasteiz Landaberde +34 945 191 227
Landaberde 29
01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Araba)
Koma Arrasate
Koma Arrasate +34 943 712 631
Iturriotz 35, behea
20500 Arrasate (Gipuzkoa)
Koma Oñati
Koma Oñati +34 943 71 82 08
Olakua,7 behea
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa)
Koma Bilbao
Koma Bilbao +34 94 444 86 79
Alcalde Felipe Uhagon, 12 bajo
48010 Bilbao (Bizkaia)
Koma Pamplona
Koma Pamplona +34 948 100 133
Iturrama 72
31008 Pamplona (Navarra)
3 Kings Pamplona
Koma 3Kings Pamplona +34 948 21 07 16
Plaza del Castillo nº20, 2º
31001 Pamplona, Navarra
Koma Italia
Koma Italia +39 0733 816
197 Corso Umberto I, 17
62012 Civitanova Marche (MC)